As your camper trailer or RV ages, it may develop a little more character—a squeaky chair here, a bit of peeling upholstery there, or a missing cushion somewhere. These little things make your RV feel more lived in and homier, but it may mean that it’s time to give your RV a makeover starting with its furniture. Whether you’re looking to update your RV’s interior or the pre-owned camper trailer you bought desperately needs new seats, here are some things that you need to consider when replacing RV furniture. RV Furniture’s Condition Replacing your trailer’s furniture is relatively easy. You can go online and get almost everything you need. But before you go on a shopping spree, you need to assess the situation. Stopping to think allows you to see what pieces of furniture really need to be replaced and which ones will benefit from an RV upholstery job. If your primary concern is related to the aesthetics of the furniture, like peeling seats, stained booth cushions, and outdated textile choices, then you may want to consider reupholstering your furniture instead. However, if you’re more concerned about the furniture’s structural integrity, like sunken seats, popped springs, and damaged foam, then replacing the furniture is the best move. RV’s Interior Design After checking which pieces need to go and which ones just need a little more love, it’s time for the fun part—making design plans. You can stick to your current RV’s interior design, or you can look at RV decorating ideas online to know how you can revamp your mobile home. You need to bust out your measuring tape for this phase to ensure that whatever furniture you have in mind will actually fit into the RV. So when you’re browsing online and printed furniture catalogs, pay extra attention to the measurements in addition to the aesthetics and the price. Your Budget Some people like to crunch some numbers after making a design plan, while others like to do it before the design. Regardless of which type of person you are, you need to plan your budget before buying anything because it ensures you have a clear picture of what you need, want, and have. It enables you to make responsible financial decisions that can hopefully help you control the urge to buy things on impulse. To plan your budget, you need to note how much you can spend for your RV’s makeover right now. You can also include fund sources that you can expect in the near future, like a portion of your salary that you can allot for RV furniture replacement. If your available funds are not looking great, you need to decide whether you’re going to buy one piece at a time or you’re going to wait until your funds can catch up. Conclusion
Replacing RV furniture is an expensive and sometimes frustrating task to undertake. However, when you see everything come together, it makes all the trouble worth it. But before you buy furniture for your camper trailer or RV, you first have to check if a replacement is needed or a reupholster would suffice. You also need to consider the RV’s interior measurements and design to ensure that everything fits—in every sense of the word. Lastly, you need to analyze your budget to determine if you will buy pieces separately or make one big purchase. If you’re looking for a company that provides high-quality RV furniture in Yuma, AZ, turn to Active RV Upholstery. We have a wide array of RV products, from furniture to seat covers; we even offer professional RV upholstery and refinishing services. Contact us today for a quote!
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